Core Competencies


doughboy-transbkgrd-copy1Safety Education– seminars, forms, etc.

Shared Knowledge – individuals or companies sharing knowledge in their area of expertise with other groups, companies, or individuals.

Development of Public and Private Partnerships – corporations, businesses, government agencies, schools, media, civic groups, and individuals combining resources to promote safety.

Promoting Community Involvement – poster contests, etc. to raise awareness that an individual’s actions determine the level of safety.

Promoting QASC Activities – use of the media to advertise, newsletters, presentations to groups

Increasing Membership – remove the economic barrier, provide services to meet the needs of members, and continually focus on membership.

Involvement in all Areas of Safety – fire, water, bicycle, gun, vehicle and traffic, industrial, electrical, tornado, earthquake, prescription drugs, seat belts, child restraint systems, etc.

Safety for Life – home, school, work.