“Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car.”
~ Author Unknown
Safe Kids Adams County
- Uniting Adams County to fight childhood injury
- Is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide
- Provides a unified voice creating public awareness in the fight to reduce preventable injury.
- Unites Adams County groups and individuals to work together to make our community safer for our children.
We Care Because
- Injury is the leading killer of children between the ages of 1 and 14.
- Injuries kill more children each year than disease, kidnapping and drugs combined.
- 7,200 children are killed and 50,000 permanently disabled by preventable accidents.
- Medical and lifetime costs for permanently injured children amount to billions of dollars.
- Society’s loss cannot be measured.
We Prevent Childhood Injuries By
- Donating or establishing discounts for car seats, bicycle helmets, and smoke alarms.
- Providing safety training for professionals.
- Providing educational materials and presentations to schools, parents, day care centers, and service clubs.
- Providing consumer product safety alert information.
- Participating in health fairs.
- Working to create public policies which result in a safer environment for children.
The most common childhood accidents/deaths are caused by: Traffic Accidents
- Passenger
- Pedestrian
- Bicycle
Other Accidents
For more information about safe kids, or to schedule a presentation, email us at: tdietrich@co.adams.il.us or visit Safe Kids Worldwide.